Met One Instruments

Met One Instruments Inc. is one of the leaders in research, development and manufacturing of meteorological instruments, particulate monitors, data loggers and environmental software. One of the oldest instrument manufacturer's in the United States, MOI continues to provide the leading edge in instrumentation, data logging, environmental software and monitoring systems worldwide.
Aeroset 531S Handy PM/Dust Meter for PM 2.5, PM 10, TSP by Metone
Measures Simultaneously PM 1, 2.5, 4, 7, 10 & TSP & Particle Size Ranges 0.5 to 5.0 µm..
AQMS-Air Quality Monitoring System
AQMS: Air Quality Monitoring StationIntegrated Air Quality Monitoring Stations are design as per cus..
Automatic Continuous Real Time Particulate Monitor BAM 1020 by Metone
US-EPA Approved FEM, TUV Approved for PM10, PM2.5, PM 10-2.5 & TSP Monitoring Flow Ra..
GT 324 Handheld Particle Counter
Meets ISO 21501-4 The GT-324 is a full-featured, battery operated, portable particle cou..
Handheld Particle Counter 804 by Metone
The 804 hand held particle counter is a 4 channel portable particle counter that counts partic..
Handheld Particle Counter GT521S by Metone
The GT‐521S is a full‐featured, battery operated, portable particle counter that provides the functi..
Handheld Particle Counter GT526S by Metone
The GT-526S is a full-featured, battery operated, portable particle counter that provides the ..
Handheld PM/Dust Meter Aeroset 831 by Metone
For PM 2.5, PM 10 & TSPThe Aerocet 831 is a completely portable, full–featured, battery operated..
PM Analyzer All in one for PM 10, PM 2.5 & TSP Model ES-405
The ES-405 is a near reference air quality sensor designed to simultaneously provide accurate real-t..
PM Analyzer for PM 10 or 2.5 Model ES-642
Met One Instruments’ ES-642 Remote Dust Monitor is an industrial air-quality sensor designed to prov..
Portable Automatic Continuous Real Time Particulate Monitor BAM 1022 by Metone
US EPA Approved for PM2.5 Class III FEM Ref (EQPM-1013-209) Flow Rate 16.7 l/m BAM 1..
Portable Automatic Continuous Real Time Particulate Monitor E-BAM Plus by Metone
US EPA Approved FEM Method for PM10 The Met One Instruments, Inc. E-BAM Plus Portable Bet..
Portable Black Carbon Monitor BC 1060 by Metone
BC 1060 Portable Black Carbon Monitor measures and reports black carbon concentrations with us..
Portable Continuous Real Time E BAM Monitor by Metone
Accuracy and precision consistent with U.S.-EPA requirements for Class III PM2.5 and PM10 meas..
Portable Dust Monitor Laser Nephelometer Technique by Metone
Low Priced For PM 2.5, PM 10 & TSP Flow Rate 2 lit/MinThe ES-642 Remote Dust Monitor ..
Portable Multi Spectrum BC 1054 Black Carbon Monitor by Metone
The BC 1054 Multi Spectrum Black Carbon Monitor provides a reliable, cost effective solution f..
SASS/SUPER SASS Particulate Air Sampler by Metone
US-EPA Certified, 5 & 8 Channel Gravimetric , Flow Rate 6.7 liter/min Two models prov..
Sequential Reference Gravimetric Particulate Sampler E-SEQ-FRM by Metone
US-EPA Approved for PM2.5, PM10 and PM10-2.5 Sampling Method Flow Rate 16.67 LPM PM..
Portable Dust Monitor for PM 2.5, PM 10, TSP by Metone
The BT‐645 Portable Dust Monitor has been designed to continuously measure and record particul..